Useful information

  • Opening hours

    I keep the following opening hours, but we can agree from time to time if there are days you come later:

    • Monday 8-16
    • Tuesday 8-16
    • Wednesday 8-16
    • Thursday 8-16
    • Friday 8-15.30
  • Price

    The price is a total of DKK 9,750. Payment is made for 12 months a year - also during holidays and illness. Subsidies are provided by the Municipality of Copenhagen.

    Read everything about childcare in Copenhagen Municipality here:

    When the child starts: Contract for new parents

    When the child stops: Termination of the place

  • What is included in the price?

    The payment covers our salaries, diapers for the child, sunscreen, all meals and expenses for materials and activities.

  • Vacation, care days and sick days

    I have 5 weeks holiday a year. I typically spend 3 consecutive weeks during the summer holidays. When I take a holiday, you will have to take care of the child yourself. I make a holiday plan at least six months in advance, so you are notified well in advance.

    We have two care days per year, which we always give 1 month's notice.

    If I'm sick, you yourself are responsible for looking after your child. After being a babysitter for many years, however, I rarely get sick. Typically less than 2 days a year.

  • Food

    I privide morning snacks, lunch and afternoon snacks. I keep a pretty sugar-free line in the everyday life, with a few exceptions (Easter bread buns, apple slices for Christmas, etc.). I try to keep the diet organic as much as possible and bake a lot of bread myself. A morning snack could typically be half a bun, carrot sticks and cucumber. Lunch could be daal with bread and afternoon snack could be banana, blueberries and whole grain pasta bites.

  • Termination and minimum period

    When your child starts with me, it is basically for a minimum period of 6 months, for the sake of the children. I prioritize a good everyday life without too much change, so that there is peace and time for everyone without too many run-ins.

    There is a 14 day notice period. I am asking you for 30 days' notice in order to plan the future group of children. The termination applies to both parents and private childminders.

  • What should I bring to the kindergarten?

    I take care of most, but you should bring two sets of clothes, outerwear and shoes depending on the weather. We will probably notify you if something is missing. A soft toy and own duvet is also a good idea, especially at the beginning when the child is going to sleep so that he is surrounded by the scent of mum and dad. Pacifiers if the child uses this. A drinking bottle your child can drink from when we go on trips.

  • Sick child

    You must of course keep your child at home if she or he is sick. You must not only be healthy but also be ready to participate in everyday life before you come again. If you have a fever and an upset stomach, you must be fever-free for at least 24 hours before coming. If the illness occurs while the child is here, we will call you. The fever limit is 38.2 when sent home. Snot is not considered a disease but a constant condition throughout autumn/winter in the little ones.

Get in touch

If you want to enroll your child, or if you have questions that you cannot find an answer to on this page, you are very welcome to get in touch. I try to answer as soon as possible.


  • (+45) 98316673