Little Explorers

Kindergarten in Copenhagen's south with a focus on
children's growth in a personal, calm setting

Get in touch

An everyday life with time and space

Little Explorers is a small kindergarten located in the south of Copenhagen, close to Amager strandpark. My name is Ruth and I've been running this kindergarten for 5 years.

I prioritize an entertaining and educational everyday life with, spiced up with activities and trips to the beach park, playgrounds and children's theatre.

Read more about me and my approach

A typical day at Little Explorer's

Good morning!

We open the living room and say good morning to children and parents.

Morning assembly

We sing songs, practice rhythm and do children's yoga. Then breakfast with bun and fruit.

Morning activity

We go for a walk to the playground or to the beach park and look at shells and animals. We are out of the house almost every day, and this is a very high priority for me. We go on trips in the area, to Amager community or the surrounding playgrounds, where we also meet other babysitters. We also use our large Christiania bike for trips a little further afield, for example to ByOasen in Nørrebro, the zoo, to the library, or to the north harbor and the swan mill where the many ships are located. We also have an annual pass for the Experimentarium museum. We also have home days (primarily in the winter) where we paint, cut/paste, bake, jump on mattresses and hit cold buckets.


We wash our hands, sit down at the table and eat an organic lunch with lots of greens. If we are out, we have packed lunches with us.

Afternoon nap

We give the little explorers a well deserved and needed rest.

Afternoon play time

Free play inside or on the farm's playground. We often do a joint activity such as reading aloud in the cozy corner, or making buns together.

Thanks for today!

We say goodbye and see you tomorrow! We normally close at 16, but can be arranged to be later as well.

What do the parents say?

“Our daughter Laura, like her older sister Leonora, has attended Little Explorers from the time she was 10 months old until now, when she starts pre-school. Ruth has created a wonderful space where the child both gets the close connection to a reassurance-creating and competent adult, but also the opportunity to be part of a larger group of children when Ruth does activities with groups of children from other childcare services. Laura is always keen to come to Ruth.

Throughout the past 4 years, Ruth has never had a sick day, and she is always both warm and professional when she welcomes the children into her cozy home. It has been a pleasure and has provided security in everyday life to have our children with Ruth, and we would like to heartily recommend Little Explorers to other parents.”

Johanne Sørensen

Joanne Dean
(Mother of Laura)

Hvad siger forældrene?

“Vi ledte egentligt kun efter et sted midlertidigt indtil Alfred kunne starte i den vuggestue vi havde valgt, men vi blev så hurtigt glad for Ruths rollinger at vi droppede idéen om vuggestue. Det var bare vores held at vi fandt Ruth.

Det var med en klump i halsen at vi afleverede vores guldklump ved en “fremmed” men vi fandt hurtigt ud af at han var i de bedste hænder ved Ruth. Ruth er så god til at se hvad et barn står og har behov for. Det er helt specielt at se Alfred blive et gæstemedlem af Ruths lille familie.
Ved Ruth er der hjertevarme og hjemmebagte boller, ture til eksperimentariet og klippekliste-mesterværker en masse. Vi får billeder i løbet af dagen og ved at Al´fred har en super dag. De bedste anbefalinger herfra! ”

Johanne Sørensen

Johanne Sørensen
(Mor til Asta)

Hvad siger forældrene?

“Vi har haft vores lille datter Alva ved Ruth indtil nu, hvor hun er begyndt i børnehave. Det har været nogle helt fantastiske år, hvor Alva har været tryg ved en erfaren og nærværende voksen som altid har haft en god fornemmelse af hvor hun var den dag.

Der er gode rutiner ved Ruth som Alva har været vild med. Og det har været helt specielt at se hende komme hjem og kunne vaske hænder, hjælpe til med vasketøjet og alle de andre ting hun indgår naturligt i ved Ruth.

Det har gjort en kæmpe forskel at kunne aflevere Alva med god samvittighed fordi vi ved at hun får en fantastisk dag. Ruth kan ikke anbefales varmt nok.

Daniella Hansen

Daniella Hansen
(Mor til Alva)


Little Explorers can take up to 15 children. I expect to get vacancies like to the following dates:


1st March 2023


1st September 2023

Get in touch

If you want to enroll your child, or if you have questions that you cannot find an answer to on this page, you are very welcome to get in touch. I try to answer as soon as possible.

  • littleexplorers@gmail.com

  • (+45) 98316673